كورس تعليمي لـ Adobe Photoshop CS3 مجانا و هو عباره عن فيديوهات تعليميه بالصوت و الصوره و يتكلم عن تحسين الصور الفوتوغرافيه.
الكورس باللغه الانجليزيه البسيطه و مدة الدروس 6:30 ساعه, كما يحتوي على امثله جاهزه للتطبيق عليها
محتويات الكورس
Lesson 1: OPTIMIZING SETTINGS (33 min)
1. Working with the Preferences
2. Customizing the Workspace
3. Creating Custom Keyboard Shortcuts
4. Using a List of Keyboard Shortcuts
5. Customizing Menus
6. Working with User Interface Shortcuts
7. Using Toolbar Shortcuts
1. Exploring Essential Preferences
2. Exploring the CS3 Interface
3. Customizing Your Workspace
4. Customizing Menus & Shortcuts
5. Managing Color
Lesson 2: ORGANIZING WITH BRIDGE® (56 min)
1. Preferences & Color Management
2. Building Your Own Bridge
3. Analyzing & Grouping Images
4. Using Bridge Slideshows
5. Sorting, Rating & Rotating
6. Moving, Copying & Deleting
7. Working with Metadata
8. Renaming the Batch
9. Using the Image Processor
Lesson 3: THE RAW WORKFLOW (58 min)
1. Introducing Raw
2. Understanding the DNG File Format
3. Adjusting White Balance
4. Exposing Exposure
5. Vibrancy vs. Saturation
6. Exploring the Tone Curve
7. Studying Magnificent Monochromes
8. Using Split-Tone
9. Editing Non-Raw Files
10. Syncing Your Edits
11. Saving & Applying Raw Settings
Lesson 4: IMAGE ADJUSTMENTS (31 min)
1. Understanding the Histogram
2. Adjusting Levels
3. Adjusting Curves
4. Working with Shadows & Highlights
5. Using Adjustment Layers
Lesson 5: WORKING WITH COLOR (38 min)
1. Neutralizing a Color Cast
2. Adjusting Color Balance
3. Performing Basic Color Correction
4. Making Selective Color Adjustments
5. Using Photo Filters
6. Converting to Black & White
Lesson 6: RETOUCH & RESTORE (56 min)
1. Working with the Retouching Tools
2. Enhancing Eyes
3. Whitening Teeth
4. Reducing Wrinkles
5. Smoothing Skin Tones
6. Using the Quick Selection Tool
7. Beginning a Photo Restoration
8. Removing Dust & Scratches
9. Recoloring Old Photos
1. Correcting Perspective
2. Straightening Images
3. Removing Noise
4. Sharpening an Image
5. Performing High Pass Sharpening
6. Removing Motion Blur
Lesson 8: CREATIVE TECHNIQUES (61 min)
1. Creating Faux Duotones
2. Adding Photo Vignettes
3. Creating Soft Focus Effects
4. Simulating Depth of Field
5. Saturated Snapshots
6. Creating the Flashlight Effect
7. High Contrast Portraits
8. Giving Motion to a Stationary Object
9. Achieving the Look
10. Giving an Image a Dramatic Perspective
11. Creating Border Effects
Lesson 9: MERGE IT TOGETHER (18 min)
1. Loading Files into a Stack
2. Using Photomerge
3. Blending Layers of a Panorama
4. Creating a Panorama from a Single Image
5. Merging Photos with High Dynamic Range
6. Final Comments & Credits
حجم الكورس 990.43MB | |
الموضوعالأصلي : كورس تعليمي لـ Adobe Photoshop CS3 المصدر : منتـديات الشـارف الكاتب: