أهلا وسهلا بك إلى منتديات نحب الله والرسول.
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمات، بالضغط هنا.كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، وفي حال رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه.
Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR)


تــابــع كـل جـديــد عـلــى الـفـيــس بــوك فـقـط                    بـإعـجــابـك لـصـفـحـتـنــا

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Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) Emptyالأربعاء فبراير 19, 2014 5:05 pm
المشاركة رقم:
المدير العام
المدير العام
الصورة الرمزية


عدد المساهمات : 10436
تاريخ الميلاد : 02/03/1985
تاريخ التسجيل : 11/10/2012
العمر : 39
الموقع : hklhk
•السـاعـة الـان•~| :
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام قوانين المنتدى : 100%

وسائل الإتصال:

مُساهمةموضوع: Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR)

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR)

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR)
Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR)

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) M7s_KRsssa

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) 2.19 GB

Avid Media Composer 7 is the most widely used NLE for professional film and video editing. With Media Composer 7, you gain accelerated high-res-to-HD workflows, automated media management, and Interplay Sphere for Mac support, extending real-time production everywhere. Experience the fastest file-based media workflows, ACE-certified tools, and the most trusted media management in the industry

If you're a creative editor, you want an editing tool that not only makes storytelling simple, but helps you track your project, organize your media, and pull you through the trouble spots. That's why so many professionals trust their best ideas to Avid Media Composer. Unsurpassed creative tools, rock-solid media management, and the highest quality effects and output make Media Composer the most powerful editing solution available.

Faster and better than ever. Professional editors and producers like you around the world have told us what you need to succeed. More efficient and easy-to-use video editing tools. An open platform that enables you to work with everything you want and integrate into any workflow. More power to eliminate bottlenecks, so you can work faster than ever. We listened. We took notes. We made it happen.

Media Composer 7 - New Features:

Accelerate high-res workflows - More content today is shot with high-res cameras, but the majority of programming is still HD. With the new FrameFlex tools, you can immediately start working in HD directly from high-res sources and maintain full creative control of the image reframing and keyframing, from beginning to end. In addition, 1D/3D Look Up Tables (LUTs) and Color Decision Lists (CDLs) make it easy to perform real-time RAW and LogC to Rec. 709 color space conversions.

Automate media management - Gain more time for creativity with new features that accelerate and simplify file-based workflows. With Dynamic Media Folders, non-creative media tasks such as transcoding, copying, and consolidating can be automated in the background, without disrupting your editorial flow. Plus, you?ll get peace of mind as Media Composer now fully manages AMA-linked media as reliably as it does with native Avid media.

Extend real-time production everywhere - Edit, share, tag, track, and sync media and projects with everyone on your editing team - no matter where you are in the world. Media Composer Interplay Edition provides full Interplay Production, Interplay Central, and Interplay Sphere support on Mac and PC, making remote cloud-based collaboration easy and cost-effective. What?s more, you can edit just as efficiently as you would if you were all at the home facility, using the same tools and workflows you know and trust. (Interplay Edition only).

Gain total audio control - Forget wasting time mixing down audio levels by trial and error. With the new Master Audio Fader, you can insert RTAS plug-ins to tweak tones and optimize the overall program loudness, making broadcast regulation adherence quick and easy. You can also now make audio adjustments to any clip directly in the timeline - independently of any track-based automation - with the Clip Gain control.

Add Symphony as an option - Get advanced color, effects, and mastering tools, now available as an MC add-on.

And more:
* Get 9-way real-time multicam support for Long GOP (XDCAM) media
* Select multiple clips in the timeline without the filler
* Edit without interruption with new audio waveform caching
* View location sound metadata from Broadcast Wave files with support for iXML
* Deliver finished sequences to a standardized AS-11 (AMWA) MXF OP1a file
* Work with Alpha channel media using the new AMA QuickTime with Alpha plug-in
* Edit easier with new AMA enhancements (see how):
- Find what you need faster with the new AMA navigation window
- Consolidate or transcode only AMA clips in your sequence
- Relink to specified video and audio tracks in your timeline
- Speed through tasks with drag-and-drop support
* Edit on Windows 8 laptops and computers

System Requirements:

- Windows 7 Professional SP1 (64-bit), Windows 8 Professional or Enterprise (64-bit)
- Processor: Intel Quad Core i7 or Quad Core Xeon processor
- Memory:
- 4 GB RAM minimum (6+ GB recommended)
- 8 GB RAM minimum required to support Interplay Sphere 2, background transcoding, and Dynamic Media Folders
- 16+ GB RAM recommended to support full-frame stereoscopic 3D, simultaneous background transcoding, Dynamic Media Folders, FrameFlex 4K workflows, Raw format AMA plug-ins, Long GOP media editing, and other high-performance workflows
- Graphics card: NVIDIA Quadro FX family3 (Q600 or higher recommended), Intel HD4000
- Internal hard drive: Minimum 250 GB 7200 rpm SATA drive, 128 GB SSD

Homepage: http://www.avid.com/US/products/media-composer#overview



الموضوعالأصلي : Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) المصدر : منتـديات الشـارف الكاتب:وسيم

توقيع : وسيم

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) Emptyالجمعة فبراير 28, 2014 8:54 pm
المشاركة رقم:
مؤسس المنتدى
مؤسس المنتدى
الصورة الرمزية

عبد الكريم

عدد المساهمات : 33328
تاريخ الميلاد : 22/08/1979
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2012
العمر : 44
الموقع : http://www.islamiy.com
•السـاعـة الـان•~| :
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام قوانين المنتدى : 100%

وسائل الإتصال:

مُساهمةموضوع: ردود_أحلى_خدمة

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR)

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) I48555304_73921_4
كلمات اجبرتني علي مشاركتكـ لاحساسي بصدقها وايمانا مني بقلم يختار اجود المفردات
ماذا أقول لكـ يا سيد الحرف ومنبع المعاني
وبحور الكلام ..
كيف وأنا دائما أقف أمامكـ .. صامت..
من جمال ما أراه
ومن حسن أبداعكـ وصياغتكـ المتقنة ...
فأنا لست ألا نقطة من بحور أبداعاتـكـ
وبوووح قلمكـ نثر ما قد يجول في الأنفس دون استشعااار
هزززز الوجدان وتزلزلت البقايا الراكده منذ العصور ؟؟؟؟
لكـ مني كل التقدير على جمالية طرحكـ

Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) I48555304_73921_4

الموضوعالأصلي : Avid Media Composer 7.0.0 Final 64 bit (Patch VR) المصدر : منتـديات الشـارف الكاتب:عبد الكريم

توقيع : عبد الكريم


الــرد الســـريـع


جميع المشاركات المكتوبة في منتديات نحب الله والرسول تعبّر عن وجهة نظر كاتبها ... ولا تعبّر عن وجهة نظر إدارة المنتدى

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