أهلا وسهلا بك إلى منتديات نحب الله والرسول.
أهلا وسهلا بك ضيفنا الكريم، إذا كانت هذه زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى، فيرجى التكرم بزيارة صفحة التعليمات، بالضغط هنا.كما يشرفنا أن تقوم بالتسجيل بالضغط هنا إذا رغبت بالمشاركة في المنتدى، وفي حال رغبت بقراءة المواضيع والإطلاع فتفضل بزيارة القسم الذي ترغب أدناه.


تــابــع كـل جـديــد عـلــى الـفـيــس بــوك فـقـط                    بـإعـجــابـك لـصـفـحـتـنــا

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Stories{القصص} Emptyالخميس مايو 23, 2013 4:36 pm
المشاركة رقم:
مؤسس المنتدى
مؤسس المنتدى
الصورة الرمزية

عبد الكريم

عدد المساهمات : 33328
تاريخ الميلاد : 22/08/1979
تاريخ التسجيل : 29/08/2012
العمر : 44
الموقع : http://www.islamiy.com
•السـاعـة الـان•~| :
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام قوانين المنتدى : 100%

وسائل الإتصال:

مُساهمةموضوع: Stories{القصص}


Mouse and His Bug

Once there was a mouse
who lived in a great big house.
The mouse had a pet bug
which lived in his mug.

The mouse wasn't very happy
when his bug jumped into his favourite rug.

The mouse made the bug stay in his mug
and forbade it to go near the rug.
The bug just wouldn't listen
and jumped onto the rug

This time, the mouse was furious
and squashed it with his mug

Mission Fishing

One bright and sunny day, I felt like fishing. So I packed what I needed ... fishing rod, hooks, weights and of course, worms for bait.

When I reached the jetty, I put a worm on the hook and threw the line in and waited for the fish to bite. I was disappointed when I did not catch anything after waiting for three hours.

I pulled in the line and to my surprise, there was a small fish at the end of the line. The fish was so small that I did not feel any tug on the line.

I was even more surprised when the fish started to talk, "Let me go or I will turn you into a frog!" I was so startled that I just stared at it. The next moment, I was already a frog ... ribit, ribit
A New Wolf

The story of the three little pigs has been passed down for many generations. I, Little Mean Wolf, the grandson of Big Bad Wolf has vowed to take revenge on the three little pigs, now the three old pigs.

After many days, I thought of a plan. I asked my father, Big Stingy Wolf what the pigs feared most and my father answered, " Lions! " I took out my lion costume that I had used last year for the play "The Wizard of Oz."

I went out in my lion costume and went to the three old pigs' house. When I got near to the house the three pigs caught me with a net. I cried and wailed but soon after that, they let me go and even forgave me. They knew that I was not a real lion because I could not roar like a real one.

From then on, I turned over a new leaf and changed my name to Small Good Wolf. I and three old pigs' grandsons, Small Cute Pig, Small Gentle Pig and Small Adorable Pig became good friends. Somebody was not happy that I had made new friends and he was my father, Big Stingy Wolf.

The pigs were going to move out and I had to choose between my family or go away with my friends. I had been happier since I learnt about Jesus from the three old pigs so I decided to follow my friends and learn more about Jesus. I followed them to the jungle where I had a lot of fun. I learnt more about Jesus from the Bible (International Animals' Version). I accepted Jesus as my Saviour and became a Christian
A Duck Tale
The bright morning rays shone through the bedroom curtains onto Farmer Huang's pillow; making the room hot and stuffy. Farmer Huang is not an early riser but the heat woke up him. He hurriedly got up and started to head for his poultry farm. He had invested all his money in ducks.

Farmer Huang got into his lorry that was loaded with ducks in cages and his two workers, Bill and Jim. Their first stop was City Primary School. Upon reaching the school gate, the lorry skidded and punctured a tyre. Farmer Huang left his workers to change the tyre while he went into the school canteen to hand over some ducks.

Meanwhile, a boy had crept up the lorry and opened some of the cages. Jim happened to look up; the boy jumped down from the lorry and ran into the school compound. The ducks were escaping!Jim and Bill hurriedly tried to get the ducks back into the cages but their efforts were in vain. There was a great commotion ... ducks quacking, workers shouting.

Where was the naughty boy? He was at the school gate letting some ducks into the school. On hearing the noise, many children came out of their classrooms and were watching the funny sight ... two men chasing ducks which were quacking, waddling and flapping their wings which in turn sent down feathers floating in the air! It was hilarious.

Farmer Huang came back just in time to catch hold of the boy. He then went after the ducks. He made a funny quacking sound and the ducks began to come to him. He happily put them back into their cages, changed the punctured tyre and drove off ... leaving the boy in the hands of the school principal.

Fire! Fire !
The moon had gone behind a cloud and there weren't many stars in the sky. It was a dark night. I saw a glow in my neighbour's kitchen. I thought he was having a midnight snack so I went back to my bed.

Soon, there was a burning smell in the air and I suspected something was wrong. At once, I jumped out of bed and went downstairs to investigate. I saw fire coming out of my neighbour's kitchen. Instinctively, I shouted "Fire! Fire!" But there was no one nearby to hear my shouts for help.

I rushed into my house, called the Fire Department and went back to my neighbour's house. I rang the doorbell, banged on the door and called out my neighbour's name but there was no response. I managed to break into the house and rescued a cat and a rabbit.

I tried to throw buckets of water through the kitchen window but it was no use; the fire was too strong. Luckily, a fire engine arrived and the firemen put out the fire. They arrived in the nick of time as the fire was going to spread to the other rooms in the house.

When my neighbour came back, he was sad because his kitchen was a wreck but he thanked me for calling the Fire Department and for saving his pets. He wanted to give me some money as a reward but I did not accept it.

Weeks later, my neighbour repaired and restored his kitchen. He invited me to his new kitchen and there he gave me a medal that he had specially ordered from a factory. It made me very happy.

الموضوعالأصلي : Stories{القصص} المصدر : منتـديات الشـارف الكاتب:عبد الكريم

توقيع : عبد الكريم

Stories{القصص} Emptyالأحد مايو 26, 2013 9:01 am
المشاركة رقم:
كبار الشخصيات
كبار الشخصيات
الصورة الرمزية

صادق صدوق

عدد المساهمات : 7574
تاريخ الميلاد : 13/06/1981
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/09/2012
العمر : 42
الموقع : منتدى انور ابو البصل الاسلامي
•السـاعـة الـان•~| :
احترام قوانين المنتدى احترام قوانين المنتدى : 100%

وسائل الإتصال:

مُساهمةموضوع: _da3m_7


شكرآ جزيلا على الموضوع الرائع و المميز

واصل تالقك معنا في المنتدى

بارك الله فيك اخي ...
ننتظر منك الكثير من خلال ابداعاتك المميزة
لك منـــــــ اجمل تحية ــــــــــي
Stories{القصص} Gamr15.com-c2f0daa591

الموضوعالأصلي : Stories{القصص} المصدر : منتـديات الشـارف الكاتب:صادق صدوق

توقيع : صادق صدوق


الــرد الســـريـع


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